I have this old rotten heating pad that I have loved to death! So I wanted to make my own, but didn't have all the info, especially the filler product. I found some great tips from elm street life
http://www.elmstreetlife.com/ for making my own. I like to tweak it a bit and decided to make mine elongated to go up and down my back or to wrap around the back of my neck.
I started with some flax seed I got at the local health food store, very inexpensive.
Then I made my bag, very simple.... piece of scrap cloth, folded in two, sewn up the sides then made two more rows to create channels, leaving the top open. I used a funnel to fill the tubes with the flax seed that I had scented with lavender, then sewed the opening shut.
I found an old pair of PJ's that the elastic had failed in and used that to make a cover so it would look cute.
Very easy and quick!
I was doing some research, very important stuff ya know.... and found that there are a lot of different things you can fill the bag with. My last one was filled with rice and had a fantastic moist heat to it, but be careful when heating it in the microwave, only run it about 1-2 min and you might even want to splash a very small amount of water on it before turning on the oven.
Have a cup of tes and sit back with your new heating pad. :) Happy comfort time. ~nan